3 Layers Tea > Dance Performance

Organized by : 
Kwang Tung Dance Company

Presented by :
Kwang Tung Dance Company

Choreographers :
Albert Tiong (Singapore)
A. Aris A.Kadir (Malaysia)
Judimar Hernandez (Venezuela)

* Like the much-loved tea by the people, < 3 Layers Tea > will tantalize the senses with a triple serving of dance, specially created by the three choreographers. This performance is the second collaboration that Albert has had with Kwang Tung Dance Company since 2004, and it is Aris’ first collaboration with Kwang Tung Dance Company. For Judimar, former judge of So You Think You Can Dance (Malaysia), this collaboration is also a first. All three with their very unique dance backgrounds will infuse different dance elements and thoughts into the dancers’ bodies, in an attempt to bring out the different sides of the dancers. This performance is also in the hope to bring dance performing arts back into the community and closer to the heart of the public

Date/ Time :
29th June 2012 (Friday) 8.30pm
30th June 2012 (Saturday) 8.30pm
1st July 2012 (Sunday) 3pm (By invitation only)
1st July 2012 (Sunday) 8.30pm

Venue :
Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KL Pac), Pentas 2
Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan, Kuala Lumpur

Ticket by Donation :
RM43 (Adult)
RM33 (Student, Senior Citizen, The Disabled)

Ticketing Counter :
Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KL Pac) 03-4047 9000

Enquiries :
012-674 8411
016-964 8363
03-2031 1203

Sponsorship Information :
010-219 6211
019-356 1030



Albert Tiong(新加坡)
A. Aris A. Kadir(大马)
Judimar Hernandez(委内瑞拉)

* 犹如深受人们喜爱的《叁色奶茶》,此次演出將以三种不一样口味的舞码来刺激及丰富观 众们的感官。这场舞蹈演出是张咏翔自 2004 年为雪隆广青舞团编排的第二支舞蹈,亦是 A. Aris A. Kadir 和本团的首次合作。这也是曾是身为 So You Think You Can Dance (大马)的评 判, Judimar Hernandez 为本团首次跨刀编排。 在趋向专业化的努力中,雪隆广青舞团向来勇于尝试各类舞蹈形式,务求藉由不同编导们的技巧与想法,让舞者在肢体语言上获得更大的领会及启发,并迎刃发挥,既而舞出他们人生的希望及生命力。此次演出,本团邀请三位文化背景各异的编导们掌桨,把不同元素的舞蹈及想法溶入我们舞者的肢体,尝试藉以这一份融合所带来的火花,让舞者们从中得到不一样的领会及冲击。另外,也希望藉此演出把舞蹈艺术带进百姓的生活 里,让本地舞蹈艺术再度回归普罗大众的心里。

2012 年 6 月 29 日(星期五),8.30pm
2012 年 6 月 30 日(星期六),8.30pm
2012 年 7 月 1 日 (星期日),3.00pm [下“舞”茶] (只限受邀者)
2012 年 7 月 1 日 (星期日),8.30pm

吉隆坡演艺中心 (KL Pac), Pentas 2
Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan, Kuala Lumpur.

RM43 (成人)

吉隆坡演艺中心 (KL Pac) 03 - 4047 9000

012-471 7730
012-674 8411
016-964 8363
03-2031 1203

010-219 6211
019-356 1030