青春舞会5 Pesta Tarian Kluang ke -5

日期 :23-24 / 04 / 2011
地点 :居銮,柔佛
领队 :钟幼芳 ,余真华
演出作品 :如果
编导 :陈美向
呈献 : 培训班学员
参与人数 :19
活动类别 :舞蹈演出,交流

date :23-24 / 04 / 2011
venue :Kluang-Johor
instructor :Sam, Louise
dance title :如果
choreographer :Tan Bee Hung
presented by : Dance Trainees
total members involved :19
activtities : dance performances and exchange


The main purpose of this dance exchange is to allow dance enthusiasts to have a performance platform for communication, learn and improve from each other ,and also to discover more talented dancers to contribute in the Malaysian performing arts.

dancers and crew were having their rehearsal on stage

briefing session before show startshow start

finale - group photo with all the performers and VIP

dance workshop - contemporary dance

dance workshop - malay traditional dance