地点 :居銮,柔佛
领队 :钟幼芳 ,余真华
演出作品 :如果 我
编导 :陈美向
呈献 : 培训班学员
参与人数 :19位
活动类别 :舞蹈演出,交流
date :23-24 / 04 / 2011
venue :Kluang-Johor
instructor :Sam, Louise
dance title :如果 我
choreographer :Tan Bee Hung
presented by : Dance Trainees
total members involved :19
activtities : dance performances and exchange
The main purpose of this dance exchange is to allow dance enthusiasts to have a performance platform for communication, learn and improve from each other ,and also to discover more talented dancers to contribute in the Malaysian performing arts.