Guangdong Modern Dance Festival 2010
The theme of this year's festival is " Discover Asia". In recent years, Asia has been gaining recognition for its important role in global economic and political development. The stage in Aisa is an indispensable part of the stage in the contemporary world. It is time to rediscover the contemporary vocabulary of Asian dance artists, who have been too often overlooked or pigeon-holed as simply " oriental".
The festival has gathered several hundred Asian artists from Japan, Korea, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Israel and North America as well as from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan in an attempt to discover our own Asian dance idioms over 7 days in over 60 master classes and over 60 performances.
今年参与演出的舞团遍布全球, 雪隆广青舞团也是马来西亚唯一受邀的华社团体。演出的作品是有凌秀眉所编导的《wall》。 这部作品也曾受邀在2007年TARI马来西亚舞蹈节演出。
The 7th Guangdong Modern Dance Festival was held in Guangzhou on 24th - 30th July 2010.
Kwang Tung Dance Company was invited to perform one of our performance, ''Wall'', a contemporary dance piece choreograph by Amy Len. This piece was being performed in the TARI Dance Festival during 2007.